Conflict Resolution Committee

Up to FIVE positions available. Students on the Conflict Resolution Committee will have the opportunity to work with students who request a mediator for conflict managing conversations and need to confront other students. Conversations that are brought to the Conflict Resolution Committee will be ones that would be inappropriate to bring to the Honor Board, but still need a structured form of communication to find resolution.  Conflict Resolution Committee members will be in contact with the Head of the Honor Board who will be receiving all requests for mediated conversations.  Students on the Conflict Resolution Committee should be good listeners, quick on their feet and responsive and have a very strong skill set of not becoming emotionally involved in the conversation or creating bias.  Students selected for the Conflict Resolution Committee will be required to attend one or more training sessions and will participate in mediations on an as-needed basis. Students will be asked to attend a training session the week before classes start in September.

Contacts: Head of the Honor Board — Swati Shastry (