Seven Sisters Council Representatives

Up to THREE positions available (2 one-year-positions and 1 two-year-position). All of the students from the Seven Sisters institutions are included in something called the Seven Sisters Coalition (website: ).  The Seven Sisters Representative sit on the Seven Sisters Coordinating Board, must attend the Seven Sisters Conference, which is held during the Fall Semester, and contribute to monthly video chats with the Representatives from the Seven Sisters.  The Seven Sisters Coordinating Board consists of the appointed students from each of the respective Seven Sisters Institutions who have been chosen to maintain the connection between the colleges. The purpose of the Coordinating Board is to create a way for student leaders and representatives to meet each fall at our annual conference and to foster growth and networking among the historic Seven Sisters Colleges. To help further solidify this cause, a Constitution was written and ratified by each of the colleges available here (  The Seven Sisters Coalition Seven Sisters Council Representatives will work closely with the SGA President on different initiatives pertaining to the Seven Sisters including, but not limited to: the Seven Sisters Conference, creating a alumnae database between the Seven Sisters, etc.  The Representatives will also have the opportunity to run for different positions within the Coordinating Board.  Position descriptions are available in the Constitution.

Requirements: students applying for these positions cannot plan to go abroad.

Contacts: Two-Year Representative — Emily Spiegel (; One-Year Representatives — Hannah Chinn (, Beatrice Greeson (, and Christabel Koomson (