Appointments Committee Bylaws:
One may not hold the position of an Appointments committee member and a position in the SGA Representative Council (otherwise known as the SGA Assembly) at the same time.
One may not be a member of the Appointments committee and a member of the Honor Board at the same time.
After the election of the Vice President and the Appointments Committee, the Vice President shall set a meeting and provide an orientation of the appointments process and a tentative timeline for the next Appointments round.
Meetings outside of the interviews shall be arranged at the discretion of the Vice President.
Attendance at all meetings and interviews is required of all committee members. If there are scheduling conflicts, they will be worked out at the discretion of the Vice President.
Appointments Rounds:
An official emergency appointments round for multiple committees can be held in the spring semester before April at the discretion of the Vice-President. The Vice-President must give the other members of the Appointments Committee two weeks notice if they do this. All other appointments rounds that are not held in the designated months of September, November, and April must be for one committee only.
All committees must assign at least one member, if not the head of the committee, the task of meeting with the Appointments Committee in person for a progress report check-in. These check-ins may be held during the fall semester for committees appointed in April and during the spring semester for committees appointed in September and November. Committees appointed during miscellaneous appointments rounds may be asked to check in with the Appointments Committee at the discretion of the Vice-President. If no one from a committee can meet with the Appointments Committee during the designated week of check-ins then a separate meeting must be scheduled in a timely manner.
The appointments process must begin with at least one full week dedicated to accepting applications.
During the April and November Appointments Rounds, the committee must provide at least two weeks for students to submit an application.
Any member of the Association is able to apply for an appointed position unless otherwise specified in the position description of the Appointments Blog.
Before the April and November rounds, at the Vice President’s discretion, the Appointments Committee shall host a workshop outlining the appointments process.
Members of the Association who are abroad or on leave may apply for an appointed position if they will be returning to campus the following semester. They will be required to contact the committee and the Vice President as early as possible if there are scheduling conflicts due to time differences. Interviews for members of the Association who are abroad will be conducted using the best technology available.
For applicants applying as a pair, each applicant must submit individual applications, but will interview together.
An applicant will only be considered for the position if the student submitted an application, signed up for an interview, and completed the interview.
Heads of committees (for example, Elections Head) may read applications for the committee they lead.
Interviews are conducted in person, unless exceptions are given.
Late applications are accepted if they are within 24 hours of the deadline at the discretion of the Vice President of the SGA. No applications are accepted after 24 hours.
During a single round, if one late application is accepted then all late applications must be accepted, excluding those submitted after the 24 hour buffer period.
All applications and interview sign ups must be recorded on the Appointments Committees’ Google Drive and Doodle account. Email notifications or requests for interview slots will not be accepted unless there are as result of technical difficulties.
In the event of two or more members of the Appointments Committee members unexpectedly missing an interview; the interview must be rescheduled by the Vice President.
When an applicant fails to show up to an interview, the Vice President must follow up with an email to the applicant notifying the disqualification. But, exceptions will be granted on a case by case basis at the discretion of the Vice President and the Appointments Committee.
Heads of committees (for example, Elections Head) may be present for interviews for the committee they lead.
All application and interview procedures must be explained on the Self Government Association’s Moodle Page as well as on the Appointments Blog.
The Appointments Blog must be kept updated with the most recent appointments and announcements.
After three rounds, if the appointments committee does not receive any applications for a position, an Assembly vote will determine whether that position is still relevant and needed for the Association.
All position holders must complete and submit a midterm progress report which will be distributed by the Vice President.
All position holders must complete and submit an exit survey which will be distributed by the Vice President.
After 3 years of unsatisfactory performance and results from a particular position observed by the Appointments Committee, an Assembly vote will determine whether the position should be retained on its necessity and relevancy to the current Association.
The Vice President is responsible for monitoring and supporting each group of appointed positions.
Towards the end of the Vice President’s term, the Vice President will check in with the last and current appointed people for each position to determine if the position description needs to be updated.
If an appointed student does not respond to three emails checking in about the progress of the committee or board, the Vice President will schedule a meeting with this student to discuss the individual’s position and the future of the committee or board. If the appointed student does not respond to this request, they will be removed from the position and the position will be reappointed during the next round of appointments.
It is the Vice President’s job to make appointed students aware of the resources they have at their disposal, including leadership workshops, on-campus resources, and SGA Budgeting.
All budgeting for appointed committees and boards must go through the regular budgeting process for clubs on campus.
The Student Finance Committee will determine through regular budgeting procedures how much money the appointed committees and boards may receive.
Not all appointed committees and boards require funding; only in cases where the committee or board is hosting an event that is open to the entire campus.
The Film Series is exempt from this budgeting process because they each have unique budgeting procedures.