Gender Inclusion Committee

This Committee will function as a task force comprised of 10 people. The 10 students who will hold a position on this committee should fulfill one or more of the following descriptions:

1. a member of Spectra
2. a member of GenderQuest. If GenderQuest is not active, a member of another active trans-run group on campus should be included. If there is not an active trans-run group on campus, then a member of an active LGBTQIA+ group (such as Rainbow Alliance and Zami) should be on the committee.
3. a First year
4. a Sophomore
5. a Junior
6. a Senior
7. a Transfer student
8. a Mcbride Scholar
9. a member of the SGA Assembly, preferably a member of the Exec Board
10. the Pensby Rep

These positions can overlap, so a junior transfer student could count towards both the junior and transfer requirements.

Contacts: TBD