Decisions have been made.

BMCS co-heads:
Vanessa Ide and Julia Sakamoto

BMCS Officers:
Jacinda Tran

Zoe Colman

Hannah Tucker

Ava Cotlowitz

Plenary Committee:
Natalie Zamora

Syona Arora

Nora Scheland

Eunhae Lee

SGA Webmistress:
Natalie Kato

Amanda Guadalupe

Student Finance Committee:
Amy Chen

Lipika Ramaswamy

Andrea Parra

Landscaping Reps:
No Applicants

Elections Board:
Nkechi Ampah

Michelle Lee

Stephanie Clarke

Pamudu Tennakoon

Student Curriculum Committee:
Rebekah Adams

Muna Agaalnemer

Kristie Oh

Health Center Advisory Board:

Kristina Sandquist

Saba Qadir

Mary Miller

Deborah Centeio

Shireen Saxena

Financial Aid Advisory Board:

Meheret Shumet

Recycling Committee Co-heads:

Alisha Park and Johanna Gauthier

Film Series Head:

Kimberly DeRosa

Film Series Committee:

Samone Rowe

Stephanie Bredbenner

Quinn Conlan

Nora Scheland



Please fill out the survey if you were part of the Appointments process this round:

Thank you,

The Appointments Committee